Architecture Engineering Planning Consulting Мебель Supplying
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Изготовление мебели и подбор фурнитуры с доставкой
Every Classic Furniture style from Luxury Antonovich Design USA is bright and stately at the same time. It attracts attention, makes the interior festive and solemn, but still cozy. It is pleased to be in such a room, it gives a feeling of luxury, wisdom, and peace at the same time. The classic dining room by our talented designers and architects brought together the basic elements, the principles of decoration, which made it harmonious and comfortable.
Each house, like a person, is unique and individual. It has
its own energy, its character, and temper. Accordingly, it should have its own
unique, original interior design, including the dining room. In order to create
a warm, family atmosphere, the interior of this room from Luxury Antonovich
Design USA is made in calm, warm, delicate tones using bright, rich contrasts,
represented by emerald color in soft upholstery of chairs and textiles in the
form of beautiful elegant curtains with hooks and decorated with gold tassels.
The interior of the dining room is made in classic style, where the console
looks great as a fireplace, candlesticks, silverware, and dishes made from
expensive finest porcelain brings palatial taste.
A business card of your home - it's the living room. Even
the person first got into your apartment, and without knowing anything about
your character, only on the basis of the analysis of the guest room will make
his first impression about. Moreover, it would be nearly 85% accuracy. Classic
style in the decoration preferred by conservative people, seeking peace and
tranquility. The modern "high-tech" - energetic, extreme people. This
includes those who "do not care, as long as it is fashionable", but
them not much. Exclusive and luxury furniture, unusual shape, original texture
- it is the prerogative of creative individuals with a thin nature and
extraordinary outlook on life.
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