Architecture Engineering Planning Consulting Мебель Supplying
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Изготовление мебели и подбор фурнитуры с доставкой
Delightful mood of palatial luxury in the beautiful interior of the villa in Abu Dhabi is based on a set of decorative elements. Each element becomes an integral part of the overall look of luxury. And the floor design plays in this celebration of splendor one of the main roles. Handmade carvings on the floor of a noble marble subtly echo the contours of curls stucco decoration and carved wooden elements. In addition to being luxurious decoration in the interior, carved marble floors wonderfully serve as a refined way of zoning space. Floors design from the studio Luxury Antonovich Design is a work of art. And looking from the second level of the living room, you can endlessly contemplate the beautiful patterns of carved marble, experiencing aesthetic pleasure.
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